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انجمن کدستانMoisrex

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Pausing Vertical Scroller v 2.0

version date April 2003

requires dw_core.js

This code is from Dynamic Web Coding

at http://www.dyn-web.com/

Copyright 2001-3 by Sharon Paine

See Terms of Use at http://www.dyn-web.com/bus/terms.html

Permission granted to use this code

as long as this entire notice is included.


scrollerObj.ar = new Array();

// left, top, width, height, alignment of content, id of container (if rel-pos)

function scrollerObj(x,y,w,h,al,hld) {

this.x=x||0; this.y=y||0; this.w=w; this.h=h;

this.al = al || "left"; this.hld = hld;

this.ctr=1; this.items=new Array(); this.timerId=0;

// defaults

this.pause = 4000; // how long to pause on messages

this.spd = 55; // frequency of calls to scroll

this.inc = 3; // how much to scroll per call

this.fontFam = "tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif";

this.fontSz = "12px";

this.fontClr = "#000000";


function addScrollerItem(txt,url) {

this.items[this.items.length] = new Array(txt,url);


function setScrollerFont(fam,sz,clr) {

this.fontFam=fam; this.fontSz=sz; this.fontClr=clr;


function setScrollerTiming(pause,spd,inc) {

this.pause=pause; this.spd=spd; this.inc=inc;


function createScroller() {

if (this.created) return;

// rewrite 1st item to last

this.items[this.items.length] = this.items[0];

scrollerObj.ar[scrollerObj.ar.length] = this; // add it to global list of scrollers

this.obj = "scrollerObj"+scrollerObj.ar.length; eval(this.obj + "=this");

// separate functions for assembling content

if (document.layers) this.buildN4();

else this.build();

this.created = true;


function buildScroller() {

var elem, str;

// scrWndo

if (document.getElementById && document.createElement) {

elem = document.createElement("div");

// if rel-pos

if (typeof this.hld != "undefined") {

this.holder = document.getElementById(this.hld);

this.scrWndo = this.holder.appendChild(elem);

} else {

this.scrWndo = document.body.appendChild(elem);


this.scrWndo.id = "scrWndo"+scrollerObj.ar.length;

this.scrWndo.style.position = "relative";

this.scrWndo.style.visibility = "hidden";

} else if (document.all) {

str = '<div id="scrWndo'+scrollerObj.ar.length+'" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden; "></div>';

// if rel-pos

if (typeof this.hld != "undefined") {

this.holder = document.all[this.hld];

if (typeof this.holder.innerHTML != "undefined")

this.holder.innerHTML = str;

} else {




this.scrWndo = new dynObj("scrWndo"+scrollerObj.ar.length,this.x,this.y,this.w,this.h);

with (this.scrWndo.css) {

clip = "rect(0px, "+this.w+"px, "+this.h+"px, 0px)";

overflow = "hidden"; zIndex=1000;


// set up scrolling content layer (scrCont)

if (document.getElementById && document.createElement) {

elem = document.createElement("div");

this.scrCont = this.scrWndo.el.appendChild(elem);

this.scrCont.id = "scrCont" + scrollerObj.ar.length;

this.scrCont.style.position = "absolute";

} else if (document.all) {

var str = '<div id="scrCont'+scrollerObj.ar.length+'" style="position:absolute"></div>';



this.scrCont = new dynObj("scrCont"+scrollerObj.ar.length);

this.scrCont.css.visibility = "inherit";





this.timerId = setTimeout(this.obj + ".controlScroll()",this.pause);


// assemble and write scroller content html

function wrapItems() {

var itemStart, itemEnd, str = "";

// to format items centered vertically and horizontally

if (this.al == "center") {

itemStart = '<table width="' + this.w + '" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td style="text-align:center; height:' + this.h + 'px" valign="middle">';

itemEnd = '</td></tr></table>';

// to format left aligned content

} else if (this.al == "left") {

itemStart = '<div style="height:' + this.h + 'px">';

itemEnd = '</div>';


for (var i=0; i<this.items.length; i++) {

if (typeof this.items[1] != "undefined") { // if item has url

str += itemStart + '<a style="text-decoration:none; font-family:'+this.fontFam+'; font-size:'+this.fontSz+'; color:'+this.fontClr+'" href="'+ this.items[1] + '">' + this.items[0] + '</a>' + itemEnd;

} else { // no url, wrap in span with styles attached

str += itemStart + '<div style="font-family:'+this.fontFam+'; font-size:'+this.fontSz+'; color:'+this.fontClr+'">' + this.items[0] + '</div>' + itemEnd;





function buildScrollerNS4() {

// create wndo layer

if (typeof this.hld != "undefined") {

this.holder = getLyrRef(this.hld,document);

this.scrWndo = new Layer(this.w,this.holder);


else this.scrWndo = new Layer(this.w);



// create the scrolling content layer

var str = '<div id="scrCont'+scrollerObj.ar.length+'" style="position:absolute"></div>';



this.scrCont = new dynObj("scrCont"+scrollerObj.ar.length);

this.scrCont.css.visibility = "inherit";




this.scrWndo.visibility = "show";

this.timerId = setTimeout(this.obj + ".controlScroll()",this.pause);


function wrapNS4Items() {

var itemStart, itemEnd, str = "";

if (this.al=="center") this.v = "middle";

else this.v = "top";

itemStart = '<table width="' + this.w + '" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td align="'+this.al+'" height="' + this.h + '" valign="'+this.v+'">';

itemEnd = '</td></tr></table>';

for (var i=0; i<this.items.length; i++) {

if (typeof this.items[1] != "undefined") { // if item has url

str += itemStart + '<a style="text-decoration:none; font-family:'+this.fontFam+'; font-size:'+this.fontSz+'; color:'+this.fontClr+'" href="'+ this.items[1] + '">' + this.items[0] + '</a>' + itemEnd;

} else { // no url, wrap in span with styles attached

str += itemStart + '<div style="font-family:'+this.fontFam+'; font-size:'+this.fontSz+'; color:'+this.fontClr+'">' + this.items[0] + '</div>' + itemEnd;





function controlScroll() {

if (this.ctr>this.items.length-1) this.startOver();

else {

var y = parseInt(this.scrCont.css.top);

if (y> -this.h * this.ctr) {


this.timerId = setTimeout(this.obj+".controlScroll()",this.spd);

} else {


this.timerId = setTimeout(this.obj+".controlScroll()",this.pause);




// restore scroller top to 0 and counter variable to 1

function startOver() {

this.ctr = 1;




scrollerObj.prototype.addItem = addScrollerItem;

scrollerObj.prototype.create = createScroller;

scrollerObj.prototype.setFont = setScrollerFont;

scrollerObj.prototype.setTiming = setScrollerTiming;

scrollerObj.prototype.buildN4 = buildScrollerNS4;

scrollerObj.prototype.build = buildScroller;

scrollerObj.prototype.wrapItems = wrapItems;

scrollerObj.prototype.wrapNS4Items = wrapNS4Items;

scrollerObj.prototype.controlScroll = controlScroll;

scrollerObj.prototype.startOver = startOver;

// remove layers from table for ns6+/mozilla (overflow/clip bug?)

function positionGecko() {

if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko")>-1) {

for (var i=0; i<scrollerObj.ar.length; i++) {

if (scrollerObj.ar.holder) {



scrollerObj.ar.scrWndo.css.zIndex = 1000;

var x = scrollerObj.ar.holder.offsetLeft + scrollerObj.ar.x;

var y = scrollerObj.ar.holder.offsetTop + scrollerObj.ar.y;






// ns6+/mozilla need to reposition layers onresize

function rePosGecko() {

for (var i=0; i<scrollerObj.ar.length; i++) {

var x = scrollerObj.ar.holder.offsetLeft + scrollerObj.ar.x;

var y = scrollerObj.ar.holder.offsetTop + scrollerObj.ar.y;




function setMouseEvents() {

for (var i=0; i<scrollerObj.ar.length; i++) {

scrollerObj.ar.scrCont.el.onmouseover = new Function("haltScroll("+i+")")

scrollerObj.ar.scrCont.el.onmouseout = restartScroll;



function haltScroll(num) {



function restartScroll(e) {

// get numeric portion of id (after scrCont)

var num = parseInt(this.id.slice(7)) - 1;

e = e? e: window.event? window.event: "";

if (e) {

var current = this;

var related = e.relatedTarget? e.relatedTarget: e.toElement? e.toElement: "";

if (related) {

if (current != related && !contains(current, related))


} else scrollerObj.ar[num].controlScroll(); // ns4



// adapted from http://www.brainjar.com/dhtml/events/default6.asp

function contains(a, b) {

// extra checks in case alt-tab away while over menu

if (b && b.parentNode) {

// Return true if node a contains node b.

while (b.parentNode)

if ((b = b.parentNode) == a)

return true;

return false;

} else if (b && b.parentElement) {

while (b.parentElement)

if ((b = b.parentElement) == a)

return true;

return false;





version date: April 2003

This code is from Dynamic Web Coding

at http://www.dyn-web.com/

Copyright 2001-3 by Sharon Paine

See Terms of Use at http://www.dyn-web.com/bus/terms.html

Permission granted to use this code

as long as this entire notice is included.



// dynObj constructor

// arguments: id (required): id of positioned div.

// left,top,width,height optional arguments.


function dynObj(id,x,y,w,h) {

this.el = (document.getElementById)? document.getElementById(id): (document.all)? document.all[id]: (document.layers)? getLyrRef(id,document): null;

if (!this.el) return null;

this.doc = (document.layers)? this.el.document: this.el;

this.css = (this.el.style)? this.el.style: this.el;

var px = (document.layers||window.opera)? "": "px";

this.x = x || 0; if (x) this.css.left = this.x+px;

this.y = y || 0; if (y) this.css.top = this.y+px;

this.width = w? w: (this.el.offsetWidth)? this.el.offsetWidth: (this.css.clip.width)? this.css.clip.width: 0;

this.height = h? h: (this.el.offsetHeight)? this.el.offsetHeight: (this.css.clip.height)? this.css.clip.height: 0;

// if w/h passed, set style width/height

if (w){ (document.layers)? this.css.clip.width=w+px: this.css.width=w+px;}

if (h){ (document.layers)? this.css.clip.height=h+px: this.css.height=h+px;}

this.obj = id + "_dynObj"; eval(this.obj + "=this");


dynObj.prototype.show = function () { this.css.visibility = "visible"; }

dynObj.prototype.hide = function () { this.css.visibility = "hidden"; }

dynObj.prototype.shiftTo = function (x,y) {

if (x!=null) this.x=x; if (y!=null) this.y=y;

// rounded below (this.x/y can hold decimals)

if (this.css.moveTo) {


} else {





dynObj.prototype.shiftBy = function (x,y) {



dynObj.prototype.writeLyr = function (cntnt) {

if (typeof this.doc.innerHTML!="undefined") {

this.doc.innerHTML = cntnt;

} else if (document.layers) {





dynObj.prototype.setBgClr = function (bg) {

if (document.layers) this.doc.bgColor=bg;

else this.css.backgroundColor=bg;


// get reference to nested layer for ns4

// from dhtmllib.js by Mike Hall of www.brainjar.com

function getLyrRef(lyr,doc) {

if (document.layers) {

var theLyr;

for (var i=0; i<doc.layers.length; i++) {

theLyr = doc.layers;

if (theLyr.name == lyr) return theLyr;

else if (theLyr.document.layers.length > 0)

if ((theLyr = getLyrRef(lyr,theLyr.document)) != null)

return theLyr;


return null;



//--></script><script type="text/javascript">

function initScrollerObjs() {

scroller1 = new scrollerObj(0,0,125,100,"center","holder");scroller1.addItem('<div align="center"><a href="http://www.ashoora.ir/component/option,com_datsogallery/Itemid,14/func,detail/id,4224/"><img style=\"margin-top:5px;\" src=\"http://www.ashoora.ir/images/stories/dg_thumbnails/0599FC22B616-137.jpg\" width=\"110px\" height=\"95px\" title=\"ãÑÇÓã ÚÒÇÏÇÑí 1\" ></a></div>');scroller1.addItem('<div align="center"><a href="http://www.ashoora.ir/component/option,com_datsogallery/Itemid,14/func,detail/id,1477/"><img style=\"margin-top:5px;\" src=\"http://www.ashoora.ir/images/stories/dg_thumbnails/C4100283E268-103.jpg\" width=\"110px\" height=\"95px\" title=\"ÓÑÏÇÈ ÍÑã ÍÖÑÊ ÚÈÇÓ(Ú) 4\" ></a></div>');scroller1.addItem('<div align="center"><a href="http://www.ashoora.ir/component/option,com_datsogallery/Itemid,14/func,detail/id,719/"><img style=\"margin-top:5px;\" src=\"http://www.ashoora.ir/images/stories/dg_thumbnails/2CF8A8CF1378-24.jpg\" width=\"110px\" height=\"95px\" title=\"˜ÑÈáÇ 34\" ></a></div>');scroller1.addItem('<div align="center"><a href="http://www.ashoora.ir/component/option,com_datsogallery/Itemid,14/func,detail/id,7947/"><img style=\"margin-top:5px;\" src=\"http://www.ashoora.ir/images/stories/dg_thumbnails/CDCB9B6B183C-36.jpg\" width=\"110px\" height=\"95px\" title=\"æÓÊÑ åÇ? ÑÇÝ?˜? ÇãÇã ÍÓ?ä Úá?å ÇáÓáÇã 3\" ></a></div>');scroller1.addItem('<div align="center"><a href="http://www.ashoora.ir/component/option,com_datsogallery/Itemid,14/func,detail/id,4027/"><img style=\"margin-top:5px;\" src=\"http://www.ashoora.ir/images/stories/dg_thumbnails/FA0CDD32AE47-134.jpg\" width=\"110px\" height=\"95px\" title=\"ãÑÇÓã ÒäÌíÑ Òäí 23\" ></a></div>'); scroller1.create();

setMouseEvents(); // set up pause/restart onmouseover/out


window.onload = initScrollerObjs;

</script><div class="mar" style="height: 137px; width: 100%;"><div id="holder"></div></div></div>



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